Thursday, March 15, 2018

When it Gets Tough

There will be multiple times when you wanna say f*#k this, I'm done. I QUIT!

Don't every time you want to quit you are so close to a victory. Keep pushing through that wall. I gave up and quit far too many times. I hate being a quitter, but I did. I came up with every excuse in the book. I just let everything get in the way, allowing my fears to drown out all the hard work I put in long before now.

I dislike the idea of wasting my 20's and the first half of my 30's. I'm choosing to not see it as wasted time, but I do think I allowed things to get in the way. I created stories as to why I couldn't do it. Honestly? I'd probably still be telling stories, but after I had my girls I wanted more. I wanted more than to drift through a job. I wanted meaning, and a purpose in what I do for work. If my life wasn't going to be a stay at home mom, then I needed to be in a position to make a visible difference in people's lives.

I broke through the first story, and I've been getting rid of them slowly, but surely. I have a looooong way to go, but I'll make. I may want to quit a few more times, but I have a great support network. I have surrounded myself with people who know how much it means to me and support my decisions but are willing to tell me when they think what I'm doing may not work. Support with a dose of reality.

Make sure you have your network. It needs to be strong. If someone tells you that it won't work and you can't do it then you need to find a new network. You need people who will be a positive force in your life to share those great moments and get you through the low times.

So... who do you have there for you?

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