Sunday, September 18, 2016

Placenta Pills

It sounds weird right? Placenta encapsulation. It seems fairly straightforward but people are either hesitant to ask or they flat out ask WTF is that?!

So most people know that when you have a baby there is also the placenta. The placenta is full of all kinds of goodness. It replaces a lot that your body loses... such as hormones. According to BellyBelly the practice of ingesting the placenta goes back 1500 years!

"I will bet those who joke about it don’t even realise that placentas have been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as long ago as in the 1500s, which is longer than modern medicine has even existed. It’s been continued to be used due to an abundance of great properties believed to make a huge difference to a new mother’s mental health, recovery and well being. - See more at:"

I know many women who chose to take them because it replaces the hormones you instantly lost when you had the baby. You think you're emotions are out of whack when preggo? Try re-balancing after Baby is born. I had them for my first and I knew that I wanted them this time around. 

I lost a lot of blood. Enough that my blood count and behavior was watched but not enough to consider a transfusion. When I left the hospital I was 4 prescriptions. Ibuprofen, Tylenol with codeine (which I still haven't taken), stool softener, and iron pills. I also had my placenta pills. I take all but the Tylenol twice a day. Having the placenta pills has helped.

Keep in mind that every placenta is different. With my first I got 78 pills. With my second I got 176. It just depends on the baby.

Now Shelley, the woman who made mine after both pregnancies, has become a midwife! 

I'm so proud to know that the supportive women in my life are choosing to take the next step in women's care and giving us so many beautiful options.

If you have more questions I suggest you find your local person and ask them questions. We only have 2 in RI so they fill up quick!

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