Sunday, August 21, 2016

To Induce or Not to Induce

So here I am 40 weeks 6 days pregnant and everyone has a suggestion on how to get labor moving. For a couple of days I started to buy into it, but you know what? My baby isn't ready. S/he wants to stay in there for awhile longer.

This is OK. So many women go past their "due date" and even past the 42 week mark. Al it means is that your body and your baby just aren't ready. Now I know the summer heat can be miserable. Being in my last month of pregnancy in the 95 degree heat has NOT been fun. it is NOT something I'm enjoying. I'm even enjoying being with my 2.5 year old the last 2 weeks.

The one thing that I've had a hard time with is working. I enjoy working and I though I've been thoroughly enjoying the last 2 weeks I feel like I've wasted that time because I want to spend as much time with BOTH my children as possible. All I can think of is what can I do to make money while my baby is still incubating! Crazy me lol

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