Monday, August 22, 2016

Getting Started!

So I do work full time, but I'm also working on a business. I have an advanced certification in aromatherapy.

I know, I know, most people think of smelly candles or the MLMs with reps that think they can cure all. I love my oils. I can use them for all kinds of things, but I also know that there is a limit on what we should do with them. There is a lot of science behind them and understanding how they work. So how does that relate to what I want to do?

Well, one more class and I'll have a clinical certification. Then I want to learn more about Aromatic Medicine. It's hard to find in this country, mostly concentrated in France and Australia, but there are renowned teachers travelling to the US so that makes me happy. I started my essential oil journey in massage school and fell in love with it. I joined, a renowned American school approved by NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy). If you are interested in oils at all I suggest you check our their free class.

So what do I do? I make spa products. I make body butters, sugar and salt scrubs, hand cleansers, inhalers etc. Today I made 2 jars of Baby Butt Butter in anticipation of my new Little who will hopefully join us soon. I haven't made anything in awhile and it was fun! I love watching everything melt together and become a usable product and not just random ingredients.

I don't always use essential oils in my products. Many of the things I make are just butters and oils. I love Kpangnan butter, Kombo butter and Palm Kernel oil. They have great properties and smells all on their own. The essential oils are a bonus.

Just remember that essential oils are meant to add to your well being. It's meant to be complimentary not a replacement.

What are some of your favorite scents for lotions, creams and scrubs? What is your least favorite I have to admit that I prefer the earthy scents. The deepness of Vetiver and Sandalwood make me happy, but I just can't deal with lavender, lemon or lemongrass. My mother just took a jar of sugar scrub with lavender and peppermint. She was ecstatic!

I do love helping people though. My love is to sit with someone and get to know them and their favorite scents. This allows me to create a product all their own; customized to their specific needs and preferences. People love lotions and potions. It is an industry that allows people to have an array of scents. How many of those bottles accumulate in the cabinets because after awhile it just gets boring?

What if your lotions and potions were your own. Created for you and you alone. It's like the famous perfume creators. You spend some time with them and they create a masterpiece that matches you and your personality. I (and other certified consultants) find out what you need (something at night to help with sleep? Perhaps you need more energy? focus?) pick out the oils that support these and then narrow it down by the scents you prefer the most. It can be a long process, but in the end you have a product you love and a unique creation.

People ask why I love aromatherapy? This is why. It is so versatile in what it can do you can't get bored with it. So if you get a chance, check out my FaceBook page. I just joined Shopify so if you are interested in some trying something.... let me know..


Sunday, August 21, 2016

To Induce or Not to Induce

So here I am 40 weeks 6 days pregnant and everyone has a suggestion on how to get labor moving. For a couple of days I started to buy into it, but you know what? My baby isn't ready. S/he wants to stay in there for awhile longer.

This is OK. So many women go past their "due date" and even past the 42 week mark. Al it means is that your body and your baby just aren't ready. Now I know the summer heat can be miserable. Being in my last month of pregnancy in the 95 degree heat has NOT been fun. it is NOT something I'm enjoying. I'm even enjoying being with my 2.5 year old the last 2 weeks.

The one thing that I've had a hard time with is working. I enjoy working and I though I've been thoroughly enjoying the last 2 weeks I feel like I've wasted that time because I want to spend as much time with BOTH my children as possible. All I can think of is what can I do to make money while my baby is still incubating! Crazy me lol

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Almost There

Well... tomorrow is my due date and no signs of Baby. 
So this means that I'll continue working on my aromatherapy business for awhile. So while I'm an insomniac I just may get something done. I'm actually busier this week staying home with my toddler than I was when I was at work. I've been researching tools, accessories, recipes and more. 
We've had some serious nesting going on! I hand scrubbed my landing, and a long set of Victorian stairs. Yes hand scrubbed. On the bright side, after I finished my husband came home and hung up FOUR things from our wedding last year. This is a big deal because he hates hanging things on the wall. Hates the holes LOL
Today he let me go to my Dad's to go swimming to ease the pain in my swollen hobbit feet while he completely cleaned out our bedroom and organized it. Then he cooked dinner. I'm feeling super spoiled!

Have any thoughts on how to reduce swollen feet? Nothing health related. the doc is keeping an eye on it. I've tried ice packs, keeping them elevated, and compression socks. Though the pool does seem to help at least ease the pain of the kin stretching. *sigh*
Hopefully Baby N will be here within the week!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Summer Heat

Oh the summer heat. Everyone kept telling me that being pregnant during the summer was torture. That I would be miserable (gee thanks). I always love hearing how miserable I"m going to be during my pregnancy.

Well it's now August and I've only been miserable this week. Of course it's the week before I'm due and the one week I've had off. Is it coincidence that I'm off for a week and super hot and annoyed? Oh who knows. Despite feeling gross and sticky I am enjoying the time with my daughter. We've had a lot of fun together this summer.

Tomorrow it's going to be 99 degrees out. I've already told my dad I'll be living in his pool for awhile. I don't know what will be worse; being pregnant in this weather or having the baby which means a little hot box attached to me at all times.

Wish me luck!

Sleep Journey

So in the last post I mentioned my toddler sleep regression. I'll tell you about my journey from her being an infant to now. I'd like to share with you how we got here, because I am certainly NOT alone in this.

Fiona was not a "sleeper". She woke multiple times a night and I didn't know how to settle her. When she was 8 months old we came back from a visit to my husband's family in Ireland which was amazing. The problem is that her sleeping got worse. We are not a co-sleeping family, but she slept with us most of the time during this trip. We were both back to work but barely functioning on 2 hours of sleep because she was up most of the night.

I finally decided to talk to my best friend who lives across the world. So while it sucks that she is so far away, she was up and about her day while I was up in the middle of the night struggling. She has used the Ferber method with all of her kids. They are all champion sleepers. I was desperate so I decided to try it.

I modified the method because I just couldn't stand letting her cry even for a few minutes. It was hard. I finally figured out a combination of things that worked and at 14 months my daughter slept through the night on a regular basis.

When she turned 2, I wanted to switch her to a toddler bed, but everyone kept telling me not too. Apparently most have serious issues with sleep regression when switching out of the crib to a toddler bed. We made the decision to do it anyway. BEST. DECISION. EVER!! In 7 months we've only had 1 weeks of issues and it was when she wasn't feeling good and going through a growth spurt so I don't count that week.

There is hope if you are a sleep deprived mombie. Your baby can sleep through the night. Eventually they will. It just takes a bit of work and eventually you will get there. Now if I could just get her to stop waking up at 5 AM .....