Monday, January 15, 2018

What do I want in my life

What do I want in my life with my marriage, my kids, my work/business life, my body/health, and my spirituality

My life is busy. I"m married with 2 kids, a full-time job. I'm 30 pounds overweight and do not attend church like I'd like to (I work weekends, and worship is only one day a week...yay recordings!). 
In my marriage, I want to find more we can do together. Our life has shifted in the last four years since we had our first daughter. Life is not about work and going out anymore. Life is about how things work with a family. Our interests shift because of it so we need to adjust the things we enjoy together as a family and as a couple. 

I want to be a better mom. One who is more patient and doesn't yell. I admit it, I'm a yell mom. I try not to, but the third and 4th time I have to ask I end up yelling. I do not like it and am working to change it. I want my girls to grow up strong, confident women. Sometimes it can be a challenge to balance wanting them to have the freedom to explore and wanting them to just not annoy me with basic kid things lol.

I currently hate my job. It wasn't always that way. I've also realized that I am treading water. I like to learn new things. I like to change what I'm doing and continue to get better. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to go. No promotions to be had as we have too many people in leadership positions. Due to this, I am finally focusing on the things I want to do but was so scared to truly pursue. I recently received my certification as a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) and pursuing the next level, which is IBCLC (board certified lactation consultant). I've also passed my test and am currently applying for my license to practice massage therapy. My goal is to work with all patients, but really focus on prenatal, infants and nursing moms. I'm so excited to pursue these goals.

I seriously need to get back in shape. I do not take the time for me to exercise properly. I eat decently, but not properly. I need a diet that allows me to use my A.D.D. rather than have it work against me. I can utilize it to help me rather than creating chaos in my life. My goal for this year is to have the right diet plan and get into an active exercise routine. I felt better at the pre-baby weight and that is my goal.

I finally found a church that I like a couple of years ago. I'm Presbyterian, and there are not many of those in Rhode Island. Lucky for me, I found one right down the street. It does not take long to get there. The unfortunate thing is that I work weekends and unlike other denominations we only have worship once a week. They do record each Sunday so I am able to listen to the sermons and possibly participate in other events throughout the week or month. Once my schedule changes after I leave my current job, I'll be able to attend more regularly. While I'm working on this I do stay in regular contact with my Pastor, who also happens to be a fellow breastfeeding Mom. Gotta love it!

So what is the answer to this question for YOU? 

*The question was taken from the podcast of Dr. Karen Osburn, creator of Women Wanting More
I highly recommend checking out her FaceBook page Women Wanting More, and the podcast if you even have a single thought of wanting more in your life.

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