Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Post Jet Lag

So My girl is back to normal. After the doc told me there was nothing wrong with her and then she slept for the next 8 hours, she overnight is back to her normal self. She's running and playing like no tomorrow.

Guess what I found? A tooth. So combined with the jet lag she really was teething. The start of one of her molars finally popped through and is finally descending. It was a long week, and now we are trying to get back to normal.

What is your normal? Mine is my toddler goes to bed at 7:30. I read her a few books, sing a couple of songs, give her a kiss and leave the room.Now that she is feeling better she seems to be reverting. Yay toddler sleep regression! Now instead of going to bed properly she's coming out of her room at least 3-5 times before she falls asleep.

We've been through worse. We can do it.

Thank goodness today is my Friday, so if I'm up later than 8:30 it'll be okay.

Thank goodness for the Happy Toddler.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Jet lag

I went to visit my sister for two weeks. Sadly we had to come back to reality last week. We did an over night flight which of course means jet lag for both of us.

For the last few days I've been worried about my daughter. She had pretty much done nothing except sleep. I could barely keep her awake for more than a few minutes at a time. She'd barely eaten, or had anything to drink. I figured it was jet lag until we hit day 5. Then I worried. Day 6 doc can't find a single thing wrong. She's lively, and well... she isn't showing any symptoms of anything.

Then we leave and she sleeps from 11:30am-7:00pm. Just to eat a bit and go back to sleep at 8:15.

When I say lethargy, I mean rag-doll status. She couldn't even sit up properly. You could think I was exaggerating but I have 4 adult witnesses. She was limp and sleepy and all she wanted was to be snuggled against me. For DAYS.

I go back and forth with my mom, and a couple of friends. Jet lag plus growth spurt? Missing her cousins? a combination of all of it?

Today she gets up, does normal routine with Daddy, has a great day at Day care. We have an awesome afternoon and I have to return her to her room 3 times before she falls asleep.

In a 24 hour period she went from scaring the crap outta me to my normal sweet girl.

Gotta love being a parent.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tired Mama Musings

Where to begin....

I'm tired. Seriously. What mama isn't? I work full time. I have weird hours. I get up at 2am and I'm out and picking my daughter up by 1pm. I get to spend the entire afternoon with my peanut. I put her to bed at 7:30, spend an hour with my husband and then head to bed.

By the time we get home, I have been up for 12 hours already. I'm tired. I have to figure out how to keep my daughter entertained and attempt to keep the house in order and once in awhile cook dinner for my poor starved husband. He usually ends up cooking.

It's a lot. I didn't think about how much it would actually be and that in my mid-thirties that I would no longer have the energy to keep up as if I were twenty-five. I don't keep up. If it wasn't for the hubby I don't know what I'd do.

So what are we doing about it? Oh we decided that expanding the family was a good idea. I figured that I'm already sleep deprived so a second baby wouldn't make much different. I'm going to pray that I'm right.... a lot! Don't get me wrong, I am stoked about my little Womb Gymnast and I can't wait to meet Peanut 2 (We are waiting to find out the gender).

I think a lot about things and I research a lot of things. I figured I'd share with the world some of my musings and hopefully you'll find some good resources, some funny stuff and mostly relatable stuff. So in my tired mam musings join me for the last few months of my pregnancy, my ever growing toddler and my craziness in general. Welcome aboard.